The other neighborhood |

Last Friday, Feijóo issued a off the record before a large group of journalists, so many that the number itself invalidated the concept off the record, so that Feijóo's statements were, 48 hours later, the big news not only of last Sunday, but also of the Galician electoral campaign and – if no one does anything in the PP – of the European elections in June. He off the record, Everything points to this, it constitutes a massive communication error, and one that will last a long time. Which is something serious, since communication – keeping silent, verbalizing, silencing, empowering and, mostly, deceiving – is the great discipline that a party manages, in the absence of another. Politics is not, in short, any type of chess, wisdom or knowledge, but, whatever it is, it involves communication, the attempt to ensure that not everyone in a party speaks, and that, Whoever does it, don't put it up to his neck. Let's analyze the communication error, that of putting it up to the neck.

Feijóo said, succinctly, three things. Namely: a) that Junts had offered Feijóo the investiture in exchange for the usual fee, an amnesty, which was rejected after 24 hours of thoughtful reflection. That b) it will be difficult for accusations of terrorism against the process to be judicially proven. And that c) if Feijóo himself were to govern, he would pardon Puigdemont in exchange for his submission to Justice and the EC78. Let's go by parts. Regarding a): the PP could not, nor can it, undertake the amnesty. And not because it is, or is not, unconstitutional, but because, simply, and as happens to the PSOE, it cannot guarantee its success, since the initiative to block the amnesty is not from any party, but from something outside of politics: the Politicized justice. If it is true that it took the PP 24 hours to see it, it took an egg. Regarding b): it will not be difficult, but it will be more than difficult to prove terrorism in a trial, as in its day it was very difficult, even ridiculous, to prove the crime of rebellion, to the point that it was not achieved. In any case, the function of accusations of terrorism, like those of rebellion in the past, is not to establish sentences for these crimes, but to apply, if necessary, preventive detention. by a tube to the accused, and ensure the hypothetical trial of the case in one court – more sensitive to an exemplary sentence – before another. That Feijóo does not understand the move explains that Feijóo is out – and far – from the game. The game takes place, as mentioned, in the Judicial Court, in the Deep State, not in the PP. Regarding c): a pardon presupposes a previous trial. And, in it, the submission, voluntary or obligatory, of the accused to Justice and the EC78. Come on, Feijóo has not said anything in point c), except that, if necessary, he would pardon Puigdemont. Which is no longer a solution, because as we saw with the previous consignment of political prisoners of the process, that would not prevent the condemnation of the Deep State which involves preventive measures, all the way up to the sentence and the subsequent possible pardon.

The game takes place, as mentioned, in the Judicial Court, in the Deep State, not in the PP

What has Feijóo done through his off the records? Possibly, maybe – who knows; The bad thing about bad communication is that it communicates like a jar, which makes it extremely interpretable – trying to relax the amnesty issue, moving away from Vox in a disastrous electoral campaign, in which, everything points to it, the PP participates by contributing worst thing a match can bring: communication errors. However, the concatenation of profound communication errors is typical of a party with serious structural problems. Therefore, it is now possible to visualize the PP as a party – and a stage, and a leadership – with serious structural problems. Something dramatic, at a time when the Feijóo stage seems to end, and the Moreno Bonilla stage seems to already be intuited, which may even formally begin next Monday, if the Galician results are clearly dismal.

But the communication failure is so spectacular that it goes further and further. It places the PP – the generic PP, not Feijóo's, not Moreno Bonilla's – extremely distant, a mere observer even, from the point at which the Spanish right is proposing the toughest ideological and political combat since the seventies: the Justice. The PP, in short, has no contact with Justice / Ofep State. He doesn't even seem to understand, nor be capable of doing so, what's going on inside. What is important, because understanding all of this, modulating it, even leading it, was the founding impulse of the PP. When Fraga presented his party, AP, on TVE, he was in charge of defining it as the party of “those of us who have taken number one in the oppositions.” Oppositions are something important. An initiation ceremony. Without them one does not belong to the State, that thing that in Spain was formulated late, in 1874, and that consisted of an intelligence – precarious, but effective, to the point of not allowing access to the State of any other since then -, which modulated the Higher Corps, Army and Civil Guard. And today the PP is, for that right, little more than a noise, an ornament, something that does not even know how to do what is expected of it – solve the political issue; win elections; generals; The regional ones only save the structure of the PP, not that of the State. For a few years now the Deep State He seems to have become independent of that party, whose life he repeatedly saves – for example, in the courts – when the opposite should be the case. Justice, the Deep State, It is due to its symbols –Monarchy, flag, anthem and unitary and nationalist interpretation of the CE78–, in an operational and structural way, no longer owing or expecting anything from the PP. In a previous article He explained to them that what was happening with the amnesty was a fight between three groups, drawn as neighborhoods – the processist, the deep, government-. No PP neighborhood appeared in the article. And nobody noticed. That is the drama of off the record Feijóo. Verify that it does not exist. Not realizing that, in this match that is being played, the PP is not even on the bench, but is in another stadium, with its salaries, its media, its erratic statements, already absorbed in its ball. While Justice does the work of both.

Last Friday, Feijóo issued a off the record before a large group of journalists, so many that the number itself invalidated the concept off the record, so that Feijóo's statements were, 48 hours later, the big news not only of last Sunday, but also of the campaign…

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