An end to the fam's laziness against arms trade with Israel: “The cry for peace in Palestine continues”

Finish the family vagabond initiated ara fa dues setmanes by former CUP deputy Gabriela Serra, Llum Mascaray and Martí Olivella against arms trade in Israel, but not the rain to get the peace Palestine. This has been one of the main claims dels three veteran activists During the closing ceremony of the event, which took place at the Church of Our Lady of Victory, it involved around 200 people.

During the act, Serra has highlighted that the rain doesn't end herebut that this initiative must serve light a torxa and continue to demand peace from Palestine and oppose the Israeli offensive on Gaza. In this sense, he has demanded to donate continuïtat to which they have initiated both this family wandering. “Who sees the one who passes and does not aixeca the veu is complicit with the one who is passing,” the activist shared. “We must continue without pressure, for justice and for dignity. Sovint is a talker of numbers, but they are people with names and knowledge,” she said.

In the 15 days that the family's stay has lasted, the three activists have regained their support hundreds of anonymous people and more than 200 col·lectius, with the Palestinian Community of Catalonia, the Catalan Association of Jueus and Palestins and

“Who sees the one who passes and does not aixeca the veu is an accomplice of the one who is passing”

Throughout these quests, the visit of various people has also returned. political representatives of the Parliament of Catalonia -CUP, comuns, PSC, Junts and ERC-, both of whom have managed to arrive at commitments to put pressure on Madrid to respond to the six demands, to put an end to arms trade with Israel. He has also planned to visit the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Meritxell Serretand the first secretary of the Congress of Deputies, Gerardo Pisarello.

This is, in fact, one of the most frequent complaints by activists. “Why does the Spanish Government threaten to buy and sell weapons from Israel? If they don't fly, they continue, they think they say it, but they don't say anything.” In the meantime, the activists have sent a letter letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jose Manuel Albares, demanding “support the arms trade with Israel” and “donate support for deciding and supporting” South Africa's complaint against Israel for genocide in Gaza by the International Criminal Court (ICC) of UN Justice genocide in Gaza. Hundreds of cards both mateixes requests.

About the seu health statusIn statements to Catalunya Ràdio, the former CUP deputy explained that it is troben bé, “both xacres Logics of a family of 5 days: tiredness, slowness…”. Mascaray has appreciated the support of all the people who have accompanied him and his staff and nurses.

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